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TPG October Update


Hi all,

Can’t believe we are into October already. Summer seems to have gone already, well it never really arrived this year actually.

Attendance during September is back up to a heathy number, so thanks to you all for continuing to support the Group – long may it last!

Hope you all managed to get your entries in for the Exhibition which starts this coming weekend, I’m looking forward to seeing all your paintings hanging on the screens in the Assembly Rooms. A big thank you needs to go to Annabel, Margaret and Sally for all their planning and hard work over the past few weeks in getting the exhibition organised in time.

Not much more to tell you about TPG’s exhibition next year at the Allen Gallery; I am still waiting on Nancy coming back to me with a definite date. I met with Kate Davies earlier last month to run through planning an exhibition at the Gallery which was really helpful. She said that we could start off with a smaller event just held in the reception area, which we could hold earlier in the year, is this something you would like me to pursue? It would mean we would be limited to only one or two paintings each we could enter, depending on the number of you who would want to participate. At least we would have the experience in running our own exhibition which would stand us in good stead for when we get the larger display area in the gallery.

As we are now in the last quarter of 2023, would you be interested in having a social event, in a pub or restaurant, just before or just after Christmas? If we pick the right venue hopefully we can keep the cost down and if it were to be in the New Year it may be less costly to.

Anyway, let me know what you think about:-

  1. Holding an exhibition in the Allen Gallery just in the reception area

  2. Having a Social event at the end of 2023

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon.

Kind regards,


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