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TPG - May 2024 Update


Hi All,

Where does the time go, it’s May already. Our Inspired on Thursdays Exhibition seems ages ago now.

I was talking to Nancy at the Allen Gallery last week and she offered us a slot at the Gallery for another TPG Exhibition at the beginning of 2025 before they close the Allen Gallery for refurbishment.

We can have the Main Gallery for a month, so I have asked Nancy to book TPG in for the month of February. I chose Feb rather than January as it gives us more time after the Christmas and New Year festivities to set-up the Exhibition.

I hope you are all pleased about this and you will start thinking about paintings you wish to exhibit. There is plenty of time to get the show on the road, unlike this year where we had barely a month to organise it. I would suggest we start planning for our 2025 exhibition after the summer break in September.

It looks like 2024 is going to be an interesting and busy year for AAS artists, as you will have seen from the Spring Newsletter just out there are a lot of activities occurring. We were discussing, in the Thursday Group, the possibility of putting together a Calendar, having done a lot of research on producing a calendar I quickly realised that the cost of producing one was beyond our Group’s reach.

However, as you will see from the Spring Newsletter the Society is willing to fund a calendar to promote AAS in its Centenary Year. So I hope you will all be submitting painting(s) in the competition, it will be great to see how many paintings get selected from TPG members.

Thank you all for your support and help in keeping TPG thriving, it really is an enjoyable way to spend a Thursday afternoon painting along with you all.

I look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,


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