I attended AAS’s Committee Meeting last Friday and there are a number of matters discussed to tell you all about.
As you are all aware the cost of hiring the room at the Maltings will be going up in June, which means we will need more members to attend just to break even. We are currently averaging about 10 members per session, so just about breaking even at the pre-increase price. Many of you have expressed to me that you would be happy to pay £5 per session in order to keep the TPG functioning. So the decision was taken by the Committee to Increase the TPG fee to £5 as from June 2023. It was considered that this was still a fair price for the four hour session, the price of £3 was held for many years prior to the Covid-Pandemic and was only increased to £4 at the point the TPG resumed during Covid as a result of the Maltings increasing the hire charge. The Maltings have chosen to increase their prices yet again this year.
The TPG has in the past held several Exhibitions at the Allen Gallery in Alton; these were organised by Kate Davis our previous TPG Lead. At the AAS AGM in March I spoke to Kate about holding Exhibitions for TPG Members in the future. Kate said if we did do this she would assist us in getting this arranged. The committee thought this an excellent way of promoting the AAS and giving the TPG members the opportunity of displaying their work in the community. It is unfortunately too late to organise this during 2023 but could be held in 2024. Would current TPG members be interested in displaying their work in an Exhibition at the Allen Gallery; if so please let me know so that we can approach the Allen Gallery for dates in 2024.
Our chair, Annabel Young, is keen to promote AAS and has secured a stand with the council at an event being held on Saturday 24th June 2023 at Anstey Park between 10am – 4pm . She is looking for members willing to demonstrate their painting skills on the day. I’m sure the TPG would want to support this initiative; please let me or Annabel know if you are willing to participate.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
Mike Downs